Zippity doo Dah! I’ve finished my work for nursing school!! No more discussion boards, no more, case studies, and no more papers!! The only thing left is my HESI Patient Care Management exam and my HESI exit exam. (Both this week Wednesday and Friday respectively.)
I took my second module exam this past Friday and I only got an 85%. I know that’s not too bad but it’s far less than all my other grades. Prior to the exam we had a raffle. Our teacher is retiring from nursing because she is getting her degree in Mental Health Counseling (What I really, really, really, want to do.) Basically , there are 10 of us in the class and 10 books for book sets. The raffle was basically the order we picked what we wanted. I got the second draw and I picked two Prentice hall books for studying for the NCLEX. One is geared toward Mental Health and the other Med- Surg. They both come with CD’s So I have even more ways to prepare for the NCLEX.
Pinning Luncheon is on Friday after our exit exam. Should be fun.

The Space Coast Cardiopulmonary Conference was fun. I went the one day and then came home. I usually stay for both days and get a room at the hotel where the conference is. Found out I can use this conference (in future years) for nursing CEU’s as well as RT CEU. That’s supercool because I love this conference!
Hey, Congrats! We used Hesi in our program (until we switched to Kaplan) and it is really tuff! I look forward to reading more of your stories, good luck on the job hunt!