This weekend I anticipate being very hard and emotional for me. This weekend is the memorial for my husband. I am not dreading it like I was when he first died. At that point I was angry and heartbroken and didn’t want to have a memorial at all. Absolutely horrible I know. But its how I felt.
My sister-in-law took the reins once again and helped plan the whole thing from afar. I am eternally thankful to her for all she has done for me. I full hope that nothing like this every happens in her life and if it does, I can help her. Or someone else, for that matter.
I’ve learned these couple of months how resilient I actually am. How I know how to do more than I actually thought. I had my garage door opener replaced on my own, I found someone to mow my lawn with the help of a friend who referred me to her lawn guy. I found someone to take one coop worth of chickens. (6). They just started laying and I still have my older girls who are still laying. It felt it prudent to maintain one coop and let the others go to the agriculture teacher at my husbands school where he used to teach.
I got new homeowners insurance, new car insurance with the help of our insurance broker. And I did it on my own. Meaning I called him on my own and did what needed to be done to make that happen including having my home inspected for four point inspection and wind mitigation inspection which is necessary for a change in home owners insurance. I can afford my home now. Even though he died here I really do not want to move. I love my house and my neighborhood.
I’m selling things on eBay for extra cash which will go right into savings. LIfe insurance is a done deal. Things are looking soil much better, I figured out my ring cameras and I bought a new solar panel for the one in the back but it might be the batteries that are bad. if that is the case, I will get new batteries and save the solar panel for a future camera I want to put up in the other corner of my pool deck.
My garage is cleaned out. I’m going to sell my husbands car on Carvana. If they ever get their ass in gear. I’ve had the paperwork in for over a week and they are stuck in the waiting. I can get the car out of my garage and actually use the guitar for my car!
I’m going to give blood today. We are in a big shortage and I am type O so I am going to donate if they allow me to (if my hemoglobin isn’t below 12, that is). I haven’t donated in years. I am probably going to drop off some piddle pads and doggie diapers at the local animal shelter. Which I found in my garage when I was being cleaned out.
Speaking of. Waste management was an amazing deal. You can pick up a bag a home depot or lowed and you can fill it with 3300 lbs worth of crap that you want taken away. It’s called The Bagster. Get it the bag/ dumpster? We filled that thing as much as possible and they came to get it the next day. The bag was like $35 and the pick up was $250. Not a bad deal. I highly recommend if you have a big home project or need a big clean out. You can schedule your bagster pick up here! Click the pic to get yours from amazon today!!