The “Simulation” and Radiation
I was originally supposed to have my “dry run” last Friday but there was something about the plan not being signed off or whatever. So I ended up doing it yesterday.
Today, I came into the office signed in and waited in the waiting room. I was very early about 45 minutes. They called me not 10 min after o got there. I went back, changed into my half gown, undressed from waist up. (Ladies, think mammogram or breast exam gown except not paper)
They made a little “shell” type thing especially for me so I would be in the same position every treatment. It kind of cradles my head and body. I got a bolster under my knees and turned my head to the left and raised my arms above my head and then we started.
The machine made some noises, not jarring like the knock of an MRI and it was not claustrophobic at all. The machine moved around me stopping often, and I heard some whirring and occasionally a long beep tone.
I felt nothing at all. It wasn’t warm or tingly or anything.
And then I was done. I will go tomorrow at 4:30.
Radiation Day 2. February 21, 2024
Got to my appointment early , signed in and went back and dressed in my gown. Read part of an article on Gypsy Rose Blanchard and part of one about America Ferrera. (A page was missing). I was not back there but five minutes when I was called. I passed the lady I saw my prior two days there.
Hopped up on the table into my “cradle” put my hands over my head and turned my head to the left. This time I got a better look at the machine when it was to one side. A big round head seemingly similar to a fluoroscopy head only much wider in diameter. Inside it looked like the steps of an escalator. I closed my eyes for a moment and when I reopened them it was open so Immediately closed my eyes again like my eyelids would block 6000 volts of radiation from searing my eyes. lol. That is my “shell” on the machine.

I saw the doctor when I was done for my weekly check and tomorrow I will go again.
Feeling a little pinchy today near the “X” they drew on me. Is it in my head? I don’t know. 🤷♀️
March 5, 2024
Radiation treatment god knows what day. 11? 12?
So l have been super tired. I guess radiation can do that to you. I have no energy to specially in the mornings. I’ll sleep all night with the occasional get up. But then I’ll get up eat breakfast and then want to go to sleep again.
It’s terrible. I had plans to get a few things done. But nope. I have more energy after I come home from treatment but then it’s like 4 pm so the day is mostly over. I take care of my chickens (both sets), unload dishwasher and load dishwasher, clean the kitchen, clean the floors as needed, do laundry and that’s about all I can muster these days.
I learned today that they will be doing a boost soon. Apparently they are performing radiation on my entire breast now. But I needed a CT SCAN today to measure for the boost.
A radiation boost is a supplemental dose of radiation targeted directly at the area where the cancer was surgically removed.
So where the cancer was surgically removed from my breast they will target that part and any scar tissue with that.
Looks like l’m having my radiation tomorrow and my boost simulation tomorrow as well.

Also available with lidocaine. I highly recommend the lidocaine.

Highly recommend the cream above. IF you find out you need to go through radiation get some of this cream. You will be happy you did.
March 11
10 days left in treatment,
I have developed a cough and I read on a reputable site that due to where radiation is pointed it can cause inflammation of the lung on the side being treated. It started off just kind of annoying but now it’s to the point where I am taking mucinex for the cough. I’ve also used my rescue inhaler once. So I don’t know if that is the cause or if I just caught a lower respiratory bug. I will ask the doctor about it.
I will see the Medical Oncologist also on Wednesday in the am. I will get the results of my hormone levels and the plan for hormone blockers. It’s supposed to start after radiation but we are about a week early. Maybe she won’t make me start the hormone blockers until radiation is over. Can’t wait for the effects of the blocker kick in. Likely instant menopause and hopefully I won’t turn into a beast of a women.
Not looking forward to any of this.
The under breast area is discolored and the skin feels like it’s going to break open at any minute. Doesn’t feel good.
March 13 – no radiation
They had asked me to come early this day at 12:30 and I was all for it. My normal appointment is 3 pm. They called me at 10:30 and said that the machine was down and probably wouldn’t be up until 3 or 3:30. So I elected to not have it that day.
March 14th – First Boost Day
I barely made it to my appointment and made it with two minutes to spare. Tore off my top and bra and got the gown on and sat my butt in the chair, fired off a text and then I was called. Phew!! The boost was not much different than the radiation of the entire breast. The machine still moved around me and the table moved several times, i guess while they aimed the beam over the barely visible “X” they placed on the site of the lumpectomy. Wasn’t big deal. I was supposed to see the doctor today but didn’t because he had a new consult at this time and it would have been about 30 minutes to wait and I just didn’t want to wait. To clarify I receive External Beam Radiotherapy (radiation). External beam radiation is the most common type of radiation therapy used to treat breast cancer. A large machine called a linear accelerator aims a beam of high-energy X-ray radiation at either the whole breast (whole-breast radiation) or just the area of the breast affected by the cancer (partial-breast radiation) and the boost radiation