I was watching Nat Geo as i sometimes do and I was watching that show Drugs,Inc. When the one show ended another one started with a warning about graphic wounds and drug use. I thought, interesting. What I saw next was wounds on peoples bodies failing to heal, that were necrotic or even saw one …
Nurses Don’t Play Cards
You may have seen the video above. While Senator Walsh is talking specifically about Critical access hospitals in Rural areas her words were said with such an attitude that it infuriated nurses around the country. She has no idea what nurses do or how their shifts unfold each day. I personally as a nurse currently …
Moringa Oil
Moringa Oil. Have you ever heard of it? I hadn’t until my company Norwex came out with some body care products in the Lysere Line. I decided to do some research. Moringa butter is derived from the oil of the seeds of Moringa oleifera, a tree native to India. Moringa butter may infer certain skin …
Favorite Podcasts of 2018
If you are like me your phone is loaded with favorite podcasts which you are listening to while driving or cleaning or getting to sleep (with the timer feature) Sometimes I think I have too many to be able to listen to. In that case I listen by priority. Meaning which podcasts I enjoy the …
I am delighted to see that my blog is still here. I thought my URL had run out but I am so happy to see it hasn’t. I’ve made some changes to the categories and deleted some stuff and added a new article about kitchen sponges and how dirty they are. Hope you enjoy it. …
Did you Know? Kitchen Sponges Edition
Kitchen Sponges are breeding grounds and reservoirs for bacteria. They are wet and warm There have been 362 different types of bacteria found in kitchen sponges, according to an NPR reported study. And the density of that bacteria is 45 million per square centimeter. That’s as much as can be found in your toilet in …
Micellar Water: Hype or Help?
Micellar water has taken the beauty world by storm. But it totally sounds like a scam right $10 – $20 for WATER? Yes! IT’s true! Micellar water contains micelles. Micelles are minuscule clusters of lipid molecules which attract and dissolve dirt and makeup without stripping away your skin’s natural oils. They act like a miniature …
Bad Chicken Mama
I am a bad chicken mama. Not too long ago I let the chickens out to scratch around in the little yard we created outside of their run with a dog enclosure. We only let them out in this enclosure when we are outside to watch them because we have predators around. Coyotes have been …
Cooking with my Instant Pot
Cooking is fun again with my Instant Pot! I really really love it. It’s the best gift I ever gave myself! I have made several dishes with it and they have all been great. I will share which ones I made and how they turned out. Stuffed Cabbage This was amazing. It made so …
New Years Goals and Resolutions
I’m usually not one to make new years resolutions. I generally let myself down within the first month so I don’t bother. But here are a few of my goals and resolutions. Lose 20 to 30 pounds and feel better I generally feel like shit. I am hopelessly out of shape and I hate to …