Wow, this week I’m just not terribly Motivated to do work for nursing school. I am wishing and hoping for motivation to do more than the bare minimum. I’ve done no reading. Just a little research on cardiogenic shock for my discussion board. I had to do a power point presentation on hemodynamics as well. …
Riddle Me This…
All those who follow this blog know that I am an RT. The semester for nursing school is just winding up and soon I will be shot like a cannon ball into weeks and weeks of reading, testing, discussion and clinical. This week is advanced renal disorders. Next week advanced cardiac disorders. From time to …
No CEU’s for me
I have been going to the Space Coast Cardiopulmonary conference for a couple of years running. Before that I was going to the FSRC Sunshine Seminar for several years to get my CEU’s for the biennium. Conferences are a great way to get your needed continuing education credits. I usually can get a little more …
Another opening, another show.
It’s back to school time. We had our orientation today for advanced adult health. We also had our dosage exam which I got an 88. An 88 is of course, not passing. I made a stupid mistake and added a zero in an equation! Another I didn’t add the time factor! Stupid stupid mistakes! So …
Can it get any better??
Ah,once again they have changed things on us. Due to the fact that there are only thirteen of us left in class, and the budget, all of us have been changed to a Monday clinical and they have changed the clinical site to a hospital that is a little over an hour away. They spring …
It’s getting to be that time again
It’s getting to be that time again. A new semester of nursing school looms ahead in the horizon. In exactly one weeks time I will be in orientation for my final semester of nursing school. The first module opens on Monday next. It is time to take my nursing books out of the trunk of …
Working on the holiday
It’s a fact of life for those of us who work in healthcare. The hospital never closes therefore someone has to work 24/7/365. Someone has to be there to care for the critically Ill and the sick. I’ve been an RT for 11 years and in those 11 years I’ve worked my share of holidays …
It’s the Norm, apparently
I’m still saddened by the fact that 33% of my class failed out this semester. Apparently, 50% is the norm for a nursing class. I was speaking to two nurses at my job one an older nurse “T” (she still wears her RN nurse cap. Isn’t that awesome?) and a younger nurse “B” who just …
New semester preview
I got the calendar, reading list and mental health group list for the new semester coming up the other day. Looks like it will be a tough semester (like the others haven’t been.) February alone has 4 exams (including the HESI achievement exam) . Exam three and the achievement exam are on consecutive days. I …
Wow I can’t believe it.
I learned via Facebook yesterday that a total of 7 of my classmates failed the class. I am completely shocked. I know who all but one and I am shocked at some of them, well most of them to be honest. I feel sad to have lost so many classmates, especially those who worked their …