Obama Birth Control Compromise Announced [UPDATE]. Here is what burns my ass about this situation. Religious groups and Catholic law makers are up in arms about the legislation about the mandatory coverage for contraceptives with no co-pay. Oh no, you can’t make us cover it, it’s morally wrong. It’s an attack on religious freedom. Blah …
Looking toward the future
It was brought to my attention that I will be done with nursing school in 11 weeks. Wow, where did the time go? Last May, I looked at my long road ahead and it seemed like an eternity then. The many months of reading, studying, testing and clinicals seemed to drag in forever yet going …
Mental health day 1
I have to say that right now that I am so tired and reading about the neuro system is not coming easy today. I am sitting at Ford getting my car services and attempting to read and I don’t think any of it is going to stick right now, so I put the book away. …
Sickle Cell disease
Pathophysiology: Sickle Cell disease is a genetic, autosomal recessive disorder that results in abnormalities of the globin genes of the hemoglobin molecule of the RBC’s The BbS gene is the gene and it is inherited in people of African decent and to a much lesser extent from the middle east and the Mediterranean. This gene …
Second clinical day.
I had a great second clinical day. (Monday) I had two patients who were both interesting and challenging. One was of advanced age and one a hematological disorder. There was an immediate chest pain emergency when I arrived on the floor after pre- conference. So I got to see that treatment protocol in action. It …
I had my first clinical last Monday. I went the day before after I got to leave work at 3pm for the approximately 45 minute to one hours drive to the clinical site to pick and record my patient information. I got there and like 4 of my classmates were also there so we were …
A entry prompted by a post on These Emergency Blues
Bedside Nursing as Menial and Demeaning “Despite years of education and rhetoric, nurses aren’t really permitted to practice to the full scope of our knowledge.” This is a quote from from “Bedside Nursing as Menial and Demeaning” by torontoemergencyRN (just substitute RT in that sentence) “If people around you all day tell you you’re worthless …
My nursing Classmate sent me this – Thyroid Cancer
Thyroid Cancer On Wednesday, Dr. Oz had a show on the fastest growing cancer in women, thyroid cancer. It was a very interesting program and he mentioned that the increase could possibly be related to the use of dental x-rays and mammograms. He demonstrated that, on the apron the dentist puts on you for …
Orientation… Again
I wish I could title this entry “last orientation of nursing school” but I can’t, because this isn’t the last one. I still have one more for Practicum. Orientation was the same as it always, kind of boring. I arrived just as the sun was rising in the sky over the science Center. I snapped …
Dosage exam part deux
Just got a text from my teacher, well really she sent it 2 hours ago but my phone was on vibrate from PT, I got a 100% on my retake for the dosage exam. See, I know this stuff I just made dumb mistakes. Yahoo!! I nearly had a MI thinking that I had an …