I finished my HESI exit exam about 30 minutes ago. I was so nervous going in. I was shaky and my heart was pounding in my chest. I thought for sure I was going to bomb the damn thing because things were going too well. I did the whole last minute study thing in the …
I just got the email from UCF… They have approved my 2000 level nutrition class for their 3000 level nutrition class! I am so thankful! I do not have to change my admit date to take this class. Tomorrow is my last exam of nursing school. I will not miss the work but I will …
Today’s Patient Care Management HESI achievement exam went well. I got surprisingly a 99.99% conversion score and my HESI score was 1215 which is up from the 1187 from my last HESI achievement exam. (Our class average was a 1000)I say surprisingly because the test only had 55 questions and I thought right away “Oh …
Zippity Doo Dah! All the work is done!
Zippity doo Dah! I’ve finished my work for nursing school!! No more discussion boards, no more, case studies, and no more papers!! The only thing left is my HESI Patient Care Management exam and my HESI exit exam. (Both this week Wednesday and Friday respectively.) I took my second module exam this past Friday and …
I received my admission (or readmission) letter to the University of Central Florida today. I am free now to apply to the RN-BSN (or AS to BSN) program which ever happens to be what I am at the time I apply. The application deadlines for the transition programs are May 15th to July 1st for …
I am (or will be) a NURSE
I saw this on Twitter and I thought it was great.
How to become an RN
I think that this was a good blog entry that I just wanted to share. Now if only someone would tell me what is the right time to apply for licensure and the NCLEX. I am utterly confused as to when to do this. I understand that you only get three months from the time …
And it starts to wind down
This was a tough practicum week for me. It was day 7, 8 and 9. I don’t know what it was, me being tired, taking the whole team for the first time or the complicatedness of my patients. By complicated I mean, they had chest tubes, drains, fresh incisions and the charting! The charting was …
PCMP exam 1
Today was exam one for my Patient management practicum class. I had intended to study more when I got to school EARLY like I usually do on the day of the exam. But, unfortunately, I hit the back passenger side bumper of my neighbors car with the back passenger side bumper of my car. It …
Nursing and Hydration
No one ever told me that I would not be able to keep myself adequately hydrated as a nurse. During my practicum shifts I have found my self with signs of dehydration- Thirst, dry mouth, dry skin, tiredness, sunken eyes (or is this from nursing school and getting up at 4am?) I have been so …