What you post on Facebook can get you fired. It seems that the constitution only protects your free speech from governmental interference but in the private sector however it is management discretion of what is protected. Which means next to nothing. Read this article. Slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/jurisprudence/2012/07/getting_fired_for_what_you_post_on_facebook.html Even just “liking” the wrong thing can get u fired …
Has social networking made us antisocial
Antisocial as defined by the dictionary (among other definitions) is opposed to or detrimental to social order or principals on which society is constituted. Or pertaining to a pattern of behavior in which social norms and the rights of others are persists fly violated. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/9383609/Facebook-and-Twitter-feed-anxiety-study-finds.html This article talks about the anxiety that people get from …
Does money influence social behavior
I read this article today about the Money-Empathy gap. Apparently, there was a study done at UC Berkley on this very subject. Does money make us less empathetic, have less compassion, act less ethically be less humane? Give the article a look. Paul Piff, the scientist who conducted this experiment mentioned in the article published …
Nursing jobs, where are they?
It seems very difficult to find a nursing job. I have placed at least 10- 15 applications and been refused several due to lack of an RN license, or lack of experience. There are plenty of jobs out there. It’s rather disheartening to find the number of jobs which require 6 months, 12 months or …
Remember when?
I was working in the ICU and I hear one nurse say to another nurse ” I’ll be your best friend if you being me a rubber band.”. That really made me chuckle because it brought me right back to those days when I’ve said that myself to my little girlfriends (and some boys) . …
Second in my class – RN
The second person in our class to take NCLEX is me. I passed!!!! Yahoo!! Too bad I’m working today do I have to have a silent celebration at least until I get home. Lol!
The First in our class- RN
The first classmate to test in our class has received her results! She is now an RN. Congratulations Ria!!! I am the second person in the class to test and I will likely know by tomorrow if I passed for sure or not. As soon as I know I will begin another round of job …
75 , REALLY???
So I have completed my NCLEX. My exam cut off at 75 questions, so I am either a complete idiot or I passed. I am hoping I passed. It took me an hour and 40 minutes to take the test. This does not alarm me too much as I used to finish a 85 question …
NCLEX studying
I’m studying my little hear out but I still Feel as if I know nothing and that scares me. Two people I know who have recently (in the last week) taken the NCLEX have said that their exam shut off after 75 questions. So that either means they passed or they bombed big time. I …
Rock of Ages
I went to see Rock of Ages today with a friend and boy am I glad I did. If you are a fan of or lived through the 1980’s (as I did) , Rock of Ages is a must see for you. Rock of Ages is based on the broadway musical of the same name …