ACE inhibitors produce vasodilation by inhibiting the formation of angiotensin II. This vasoconstrictor is formed by the proteolytic action of renin (released by the kidneys) acting on circulating angiotensinogen to form angiotensin I. Angiotensin I is then converted to angiotensin II by angiotensin converting enzyme. ACE also breaks down bradykinin (a vasodilator substance). Therefore, ACE …
Beta Blockers
Beta Blocks what are they and what do they do? “Beta-blockers are drugs that bind to beta-adrenoceptors and thereby block the binding of norepinephrine and epinephrine to these receptors. This inhibits normal sympathetic effects that act through these receptors. Therefore, beta-blockers are sympatholytic drugs. Some beta-blockers, when they bind to the beta-adrenoceptor, partially activate …
Four Reasons You Can’t get into Nursing School
As many people may not know getting into any nursing program is competitive. Your grades have to be top notch and still that may not be enough. I know that waiting lists are as long as two years these days, at least in my area. From: For many people, nursing is more than just …
20 health and safety tips for frazzled nurses!
From As a nurse, you face a great deal of situations that can cause you and your patients harm—a daily fact that can fry your nerves! A hectic schedule that includes crazy drivers on your morning commute, a five minute lunch “break” and extra heavy patient loads, hazards to you and those around you …
I pushed my first narcotics today on several people today although I don’t have access to meds yet. (tomorrow I will). It feels weird to do this after spending 12 years in a hospital environment and never giving anything potentially more harmful than Xopenex. I did have access to charting system today so I did …
First day on floor
My first actual day on the floor was interesting. I ended up at the desk because I STILL don’t have access to charting or anything else. Today I’m supposed to have it but I’m. Not working today. Lol. And now my boss will be gone until Thursday do I will be at the desk again …
How to deal with overbearing doctors | Scrubs – The Leading Lifestyle Nursing Magazine Featuring Inspirational and Informational Nursing Articles
How to deal with overbearing doctors | Scrubs – The Leading Lifestyle Nursing Magazine Featuring Inspirational and Informational Nursing Articles. via How to deal with overbearing doctors | Scrubs – The Leading Lifestyle Nursing Magazine Featuring Inspirational and Informational Nursing Articles.
First Day
After spending a good part of a week sitting down in front of a computer in nursing orientation ….. I had my first day on the nursing floor. Well, it was actually a half a day from 8-2:30. I mostly shadowed another nurse and went over some policy and procedure and stuff. I still don’t …
World Sepsis day
September 13, 2012 is world sepsis day. Sepsis is often misunderstood by the public as blood poisoning, is one of the leading causes of death in the world. Sepsis is when infection causes injury to the body tissues and organs and can cause shock and death of not caught early. Click to access Sepsis_Factsheet.pdf Wear …
It’s all coming together.
I received word yesterday about my transition from RT to RN at my facility. I signed my new job description yesterday and received my marching instructions. I will attend hospital orientation Tuesday through Thursday from 0800 to probably 1630 or 1700. Friday I will report to my nursing floor at 0645 for what I’m guessing …