What I’ve been Reading

I’m a reader.  I’ve loved reading for long time.  I started reading very early in my life. Typically I read, medical thrillers, Chick Lit and Biographies. I recently got a library card in my county (I’ve lived here two years and just got one)  This allows me to borrow e-books and audio books as well …


Both my grandparents were in hospice care when they died. My grandfather and grandmother had a car accident  a couple of years ago and they went to the hospital for an exam.  They found Cancer in my grandfathers bones.  I didn’t know this until I got a call from the hospice coordinator and was shocked …

When a Loved One Dies

Up until the time I got married at age 36 I had not been to a funeral.  None of my close family members had died up until this point.  Well, no one I was close to.  Sure there was Uncle Harry and Philip but I was not close to them. My first funeral was my …

DIY Jewelry organizer

Being a merchandiser for Chloe and Isabel I am forever getting new pieces.  They wouldn’t fit in my jewelry box so I needed a creative solution.  So I made something. The finished product is at the bottom of this entry. What you need to make this project: A cork board.  I used a 2 foot …

Remember when…. VHS was King

I am of the generation that had VHS and video stores.  I remember feeling like I was born knowing how to program a VCR.    There was nothing better than taking a trip to the video store to browse the aisles and pick out some movies to watch.  Pouring over boxes and boxes with beautiful …