My Life is so exciting

Today I didn’t accomplish as much as I wanted to as I was kind of bound by someone else schedule, but that is okay. Today my modem and router decided to take a shit so I had to go get a new one. That took a little time because i didn’t have a so called “reservation” I was there about a half hour. Not too bad.

I stopped at the grocery store for tonight dinner fixings. I am having a homemade pizza. I stopped at the feed store for chicken food and I got a new rosemary plant and a new basil plant so I can restart my container garden. I let it die after my husband died.

I gave my nieces small urn filled with her uncles ashes (my husband) to my sister-in-law. And I fixed my ring cameras and alexia devices and my printer for the new wi-fi.

Tomorrow and the next day are work, then a couple of days off and then working the weekend.

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