My husbands memorial was today after worship service at my in-laws Lutheran church they used to attend. Both my husband and I are also Lutheran and were members of a Lutheran church in Orlando. My father-in-law passed in like 2018 and my mother-in-law is in memory care so she doesn’t attend church anymore.
We attended worship service before the memory garden service. It was good. The interment in the memory garden was a very short ceremony but it was a meaningful one. He closed with my favorite benediction
The Lord Bless us and keep us. The Lord make His face to shine upon us and be gracious unto us. The Lord lift up his countenance upon us and and give us peace, this day and forever more. Amen
I think it is absolutely lovely and I always loved hearing it in church.
We put dirt on the place where we put him all of the family that was there.
Many people in the family and friends came from out of town and it was so lovely to see them again. The worship service ended early (which I didn’t know) and my friend Jamie missed the interment service. She was so upset. She drove all the way in from Orlando. My husbands friends from college were there with their wives. We were all friends and it was wonderful to see them. The outpouring of love from my husbands co workers was amazing.
We had the “reception” at my husbands school where he was a teacher. We got platters from Publix and I baked a cake. A chocolate Fudge bunt cake with a semisweet glaze. People loved it. pictures below show how it was made and how it was served.

It was a bittersweet day. I am exhausted.