About 4 weeks ago we got some chickens in an effort get off the “egg grid” and because we have always wanted to have chickens. However, we always have lived in a deed restricted community before this house we are currently in. We technically owned about one inch around the house and the rest was common area. Now we have a house with a yard and a place to keep the chickens. And we are super excited about it.
We got the chicks from the Tractor Supply store. We got Isa Browns because they are friendly and good egg layers. Here is what they look like when they are full grown. Aren’t they beauties?
We got them on a Sunday afternoon, March 19, 2017
Our chicks were about 4 days old when we got them. Watch them grow…
We moved them into their coop two days ago. They seem excited to be out there. They have lots of scratching space and they seem to like it. They have figured out the watering system rather quickly, but have not yet ventured up the ramp and into the loft space yet. Hopefully they will figure that out soon.