Exam 3 results

Okay so I was just briefly on Facebook and I happened to see a post on our nursing classes closed group from some of my classmates saying how much they needed to pass the class.  I nervously thought that it means that the scores are posted.   So I flip over to Blackboard in another tab to see my grade.  I scanned the page and saw:


Not great, not terrible but I passed with an 80 or better and that makes me happy.  I was so nervous about this test.  I feel a little mojo coming back to me. Stella may be getting her groove back……


Okay now off to take a practice HESI.  I need at least a 73 to pass the class with the minimum 76%.  I think I can do better than the minimum so I gotta study my ass off.  I’ll tell you what though, next semester I am going to use a new system of doing work, reading and studying.  This shit is for the birds what I’ve been doing this semester.

My nursing readers (and non-nursing ones too) tell me what works for you, please.

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