Exam 3

I studied my ass off on Wednesday and thursday logging an average of 7 hours each day. (and a little bit on Tuesday).    My exam was Friday.  I was really nervous about it.  I really lost my mojo after that last test.  My confidence was and remains low until I see the grade on this test.

I feel like this exam was not heavy in any one area.  I’m pretty sure I messed up the pharmacology because I couldn’t remember for the life of me what Zyprexa was for and the side effects of Prozac were??  I have no clue at this point.  Too much information to cover in the time I had.  The test covered GU, Respiratory, Mental health (personality disorders, somatic etc), Cast care / traction and neuro.  There was a lot I was unsure of just because of the answers provided. There are always two dead wrong choices and two choices that could be right but it is up to me to choose the best one.  It’s tough sometimes.

I am happy to say that I got all the med calculations correct.    Thank God for dimensional analysis so much easier than ratios, I have to say. I love dimensional analysis.  It can be used for all med calculations from drip rates, to ml’s per hour, to pediatric dosing.

Dimentional analysis

At any rate I have to wait for my exam grade until Monday.

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