So I took that exam 2 for Maternal Child Health exam today. It was heinous! Worst test I’ve taken in recent memory. I know that I messed up on the acyanotic heart defects. However someone gave me a little tip for the CYANOTIC heart defects. The Three T’s for cyanotic: Tetrology of Fallot, Truncus Arteriosis, and Transposition of the Great vessels. Acyanotics (increased pulmonary blood flow) are VSD, ASD, PDA, Coarctation of the Aorta and Aortic Stenosis. I know I screwed up on Kawasaki disease I mixed it up with Rheumatic fever. And for god’s sake I couldnn’t remember how to calculate BMI!
Holy crap! I got an 85.33! Dang! That was a hard test. I am so relieved!! I thought I did so much worse from the number of questions I went back to and the “post mortem” discussion between the classmates.
Tomorrow is the final hurdle in Maternal Child Health class. The HESI Achievement exam. I need at least a 75 to keep a B (our grading scale is more rigorous than the standard school grading scale.)