. Yes and No. Coconut oil contains large amounts of both lauric acid and capric acid. These ingredients are antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and antimicrobial. However regular coconut oil is hightly comedogenic and it is full of fatty acids.
According to Craig Austin, MD “When you use coconut oil, you’re applying an oil to your skin in combination with bacteria and dead skin cells—the oil essentially aids in ‘clogging’ the pore. Coconut oil is one of the thicker oils, and the thicker the oil, the harder it is to get adequately absorbed by your skin, so it essentially sits on top of the dermis and forms a film over the pore. Bacteria and dead skin cells will then fester under the skin and cause your body to produce excess sebum, which can result in acne.”
There is good news! Virgin coconut oil is non-comedogenic and the high fat content means it doesn’t oxidize easily. Why is that good? Because if oil oxidizes it can act as glue to dead skin cells and therefore clog pores. This equals blemishes like white heads and blackheads.
If you want to use it as a moisturizer use the virgin coconut oil and make sure you wash your hands and a dime sized amount of it and gently use it on your face. Avoid scrubbing as it may irritate your pores.
I actually use coconut oil to remove eye makeup. I find it does a more gentle and better job of taking off mascara then eye makeup removers. Some of these eye makeup removers actually irritate the fragile skin under my eyes. I apply it to my fingers after washing my hands and gently rub it around over my eye area. I use my norwex tiny make up removal mits with this and it works great!!!