Clinical Update Day 7

Clinical Day 7 was a pretty busy one for me.  I had two patients with similar stuff going on but they were very  different and they kept me busy all day.  And we didn’t even give medications!  This coming week we will.

I had done all my nursing diagnosis for the one more needy patient and then I found out that we didn’t have to hand any pathophysiology or care plans in this week because it is the last week of clinical with patients!  Imagine how I was thinking.  Damn I finally am starting to get this stuff and now I don’t even have to complete it.  LOL.  I suppose it’s a blessing because I will have less to do on Monday after I get my patients

I finally got to empty and re squeeze my jackson Pratt drains on my one patient.  They had two. Right and left.  One had an ileostomy and one had a colostomy.   I’m sure my LPN classmates would laugh t me for getting all this new stuff to do but it’s all new to me so I am excited to do it.  I already learned where NOT to put my nose when emptying an ileostomy. LOL!

An Ileostomy diverts the ileum to a stoma. Semisolid waste flows out of the stoma and collects in an ostomy pouch, which must be emptied several times a day. An ileostomy bypasses the colon, rectum, and anus and has the fewest complications.

A Colostomy is similar to an ileostomy, but the colon—not the ileum—is diverted to a stoma. As with an ileostomy, stool collects in an ostomy pouch.


There is a cat food drive going on at the school for the ones on campus which have been neutered and spayed but cannot survive on their own.  I brought some in after my last  exam because I have a huge soft spot in my heart for animals and their welfare.  Some people make fun of me because of that and deliberately go out of their way to say horrible things about what they would do to animals but those are really lame people.  I plan to bring more in, when I got to campus for exam 3 is December.

We are on Module 9 now for Adult Health and there are two discussion boards this week. One is for neurology and one is for dememtia. I haven’t even started them yet.

As a thank you to the nurses on the floor where I have my clinical each week I am baking double chocolate chocolate chip cookies.  I made the dough today so I can just bake and work on my class work tomorrow after I return from the hospital and the VSNA meeting.

This week is my first mental health clinical day on Wednesday.  Other groups who have already gone this semester said it is fun.  I am looking forward to it.


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