MSUD blog alert.

I received this note on my blog today from a mom whose daughter has Maple Syrup Urine Disease. “I found your blog through a Google alert for MSUD. My daughter has MSUD, and I blog about our experiences with it at“ There are some great entries on this blog.  She talks about her daughters …

Exam 3 results

Okay so I was just briefly on Facebook and I happened to see a post on our nursing classes closed group from some of my classmates saying how much they needed to pass the class.  I nervously thought that it means that the scores are posted.   So I flip over to Blackboard in another tab …

Exam 3

I studied my ass off on Wednesday and thursday logging an average of 7 hours each day. (and a little bit on Tuesday).    My exam was Friday.  I was really nervous about it.  I really lost my mojo after that last test.  My confidence was and remains low until I see the grade on this …

IPR grade

Yes!  Just got my grade for my IPR.  (my mind was starting to wander away from cast care so I decided to check my grades).  I got 100%  I am thrilled.  I was worried that I wasn’t doing it right.  It took me two days to do.  I am glad that I put in that …

Something to help you remember: myasthenia gravis vs Guillain-Barré

To remember the difference between  myasthenia gravis and Guillain-Barré . Myasthenia Gravis  is characterized by a weakness of muscles, especially in the face and throat, caused by a lower motor neuron lesion at the myoneural junction. Myasthenia gravis occurs when antibodies attack Acetylcholine  receptor sites  It is not a  genetic disorder. The muscle weakness occurs …

Oxygen for nurses

Time and time again in my practice as an RT I see that there are many nurses that don’t have a clue about oxygen modalities, how to use them or what is appropriate for their patients. Even some critical care nurses. In my nursing classes we did not spend a lot of time on this …


Codeine is the most widely used, naturally occurring narcotic in medical treatment in the world. This alkaloid is found in opium in concentrations ranging from 0.7 to 2.5 percent. However, most codeine used in the United States is produced from morphine. Codeine is also the starting material for the production of two other narcotics, dihydrocodeine …