Dehydration (fluid volume deficit) Fluid volume deficit occurs from the loss of body fluids. This occurs more rapidly when coupled with decreased fluid intake and can also occur after a prolonged period of inadequate intake. Dehydration or fluid volume deficit can be mild moderate or severe. Cause: Causes of Dehydration include abnormal fluid losses such …
Clinical update: Clinical Day 3
Clinical update: 3rd clinical day. This day was pretty good too. There even earlier, prepared, checked on the patient in their room, check on the am labs (none), and then sat down in pre conference. I reported off my patient and then left pre conference to start the day This week was supposed to be …
Clinical Update -2nd clinical day.
Wow haven’t been over here writing in this blog for a while now. Not since my disastrous start to my first clinical day! My second clinical day, was great. I brought my A game, was on time (early even), prepared and ready to go. My patient was one with a ventral hernia. The patient was …
Bad first day
Ever find yourself on mental overload? That was me this week- total mental overload. I worked all weekend and was able to get some “learning questions done” while at work on diabetes. I got 10 of the questions done In a couple of hours. Great, ahead of schedule. And yes I literally scheduled my week, …
Adult health hospital orientation
This week has been kind of stressful for me. I had Clinical hospital orientation last Tuesday. We spent a lot of time sitting in various conference rooms for 8 hours listening to the enormous list of expectations they are placing upon us. When I say enormous I mean ENORMOUS, I don’t exaggerate. I found myself …
Clinical day 6
Today was the last day of clinical for the semester. I was at Arnold Palmer on Tower 6. I had a 2 year old patient with failure to thrive. Cute kid. The day was simple and easy. The classmates and I went over to Legends Bar and Grill for lunch. That was fun. I have …
Both this weeks and next weeks assignments for school are done and turned in. The first assignment was writing 4 NCLEX -RN style questions to turn in. They had to be good so I hope they are. I would post them but someone might use them and then there might be trouble. The second assignment …
2nd clinical day- APH
My clinical on Tuesday was good. I had a pretty simple patient who was there for vomiting and diarrhea. A baby. All I pretty much did all day was do vitals, weigh diapers, change a bed sheet, pain checks, did q2 IV site checks and hung some Rocephin (200mg delivered over 30 minutes) Cute kid …
3rd and final day of OB clinical
Yesterday was my 3rd and final day in the OB clinical. Today I followed a patient from C-section, through recovery and back to the unit and I also took care of her baby. I was able to watch the c-section because I wasn’t with the baby nurse. I was with the circulating nurse so I …
2nd Day of Clinical
Today was a great day in clinical. I was assigned to a postpartum nurse and we had three patients. Two in the beginning then we added one when we were discharging one of the other. I was able to two two head to toe assessments of newborns and one head to toe assessment on a …