Exactly one month ago today my husband died. Self inflicted gunshot wound to the mouth. I found him in the morning when I came out from the bedroom to get ready for work. I am devastated, heart broken and angry at him for him for leaving me all alone in the world, He was my …
Life’s Experiences
These are stories about experiences that I am going through or have gone through in my life. Some of these things may be helpful to others as well. That is why I share.
Follow up Mammogram
I had my right breast follow up mammogram on June 14. I actually got my results over the weekend but I waited to I had my doctors follow up appointment to get the official results. There are no suspicious masses and they can see postoperative changes but that it! Outstanding. Started having hot flashes about …
Back to Normal
Life’s Little Surprises
I learned today from the radiation therapist that I am finished with Radiation Therapy tomorrow and not Friday! They told me they build in appointments in the event that one was missed. I missed one treatment but I was supposed to be done TODAY. So tomorrow is my last radiation treatment!! Tomorrow I will ring …
Container Gardening
My container Gardening
March 13, 2024
I saw the Dr B the medical oncologist that morning that my radiation was later canceled. Bright and early at 9 am. I didn’t have to wait long at all. My hormone levels that they drew at my last visit indicates that I am still premenopausal. Good lord. I’m ready for the 37 years of …
About a month after surgery and before radiation started I went to see the Medical Oncologist which I was refered, Dr B we will call her. So she would recommend hormone blockers for me. Yep I gotta do the hormone blockers. What is an oncotype? The two Oncotype DX tests help you and your doctor …
Dec 18. Pathology results.
pathology results
Radiation Digest part 1
The “Simulation” and Radiation I was originally supposed to have my “dry run” last Friday but there was something about the plan not being signed off or whatever. So I ended up doing it yesterday. Today, I came into the office signed in and waited in the waiting room. I was very early about …
Dec 12, 2023. Surgery Day
Surgery Day