Buddy visited the oncology vet today.
- Buddy was beside himself on the drive to an from the vet. Constantly moving around, his breathy crying, and wanting to climb in my lap. I dared not due to I-4 traffic.
- They took chest x-rays 3 views and they came out clean. The radiology report pending.
- The tumors are still in the pelvic canal, he did not say if they were smaller or larger.
- Buddy will continue the Palladia
- Buddy is 13.86 lbs. down a little from our last visit with the regular vet.
- His next appointment is on June 10th. (yep down to monthly visits!!)
- Major vet bill today, not including the Palladia. Biggest bill yet with Palladia.
- 2 hour visit today. We didn’t get into the room until 20 minutes after the appointment was supposed to start. They took Buddy and I was there for 10 minutes and decided to get something to eat. I was back within an hour and 10 minutes. I sat outside in the sunshine when I returned until they called me so the doctor could talk to me.
Buddy is doing well. All his coughing and sneezing had me concerned but since the radiographs are clear I am no longer concerned.
That’s all the news about Buddy that’s fit to print.
Good boy, Buddy! Glad all is ok, although sorry for the long wait and the big bill.